Recipe: Yummy Boba Dalgona Coffee

Boba Dalgona Coffee. Take dalgona coffee to the next level and make Dalgona Coffee with Boba! This dalgona coffee recipe is a whipped coffee drink with layers of sweet tapioca pearls, icy cold milk, and dalgona coffee whip for the ultimate pick me up! Dalgona Coffee with Brown Sugar Boba.

Boba Dalgona Coffee Whip together until it becomes frothy and cloud like. Assembly Place some Tapioca Pearls (BoBa) into the glass, add some ice cubes, pour the milk and cover with Dalgona Coffee cloud on top. Serve and enjoy it with beautiful Dalgona Candy. You can have Boba Dalgona Coffee using 12 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Boba Dalgona Coffee

  1. It’s of Bahan Boba :.
  2. It’s 250 gram of Boba pearl instant.
  3. Prepare 100 gram of gula merah.
  4. It’s 150 ml of air.
  5. You need of Dalgona Coffee :.
  6. You need 3 sachet of kopi nescafe classic.
  7. It’s 3 sdm of gula pasir.
  8. It’s 3 sdm of air es.
  9. It’s of Bahan Lainnya :.
  10. It’s of Susu cair full cream.
  11. You need of Heavy cream.
  12. You need of Es batu.

I will watch the videos of it, acknowledge it, and admire the ingenuity of it but will rarely try to recreate it. ♡ Scent – Coffee scented. Smells just like Dalgona Coffee! ♡ Shade – Nude with Diamond Sparkles ♡ Benefits: Moisturizing. Infused with Coconut Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Sweet Almond Oil and Vitamin E Oil for maximum hydration and juicy, supple looking lips. Amy from @constellationinspiration is really stepping up the Dalgona Coffee game!

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Boba Dalgona Coffee instructions

  1. BOBA : Didihkan air kurleb 1 liter + boba aduk2 agar boba tidak lengket ke dasar panci, setelah boba benar2 matang, tiriskan dan rendam ke dalam air es sebelum dipergunakan. Masak sirup gula merah & air, masak sampai gula menjadi larut kemudian saring dan masak kembali sampai gula mengental kemudian masukan boba yang sudah kita tiriskan aduk rata..
  2. DALGONA COFFE : Masukan semua bahan ke dalam gelas, kemudian kocok dengan menggunakan mixer sampe kental berjejak..
  3. Penyajiannya : Masukan Boba ke dalam gelas lalu putar2 gelas agar caramel gula menempel di dinding gelas + es batu + susu cair full cream + heavy cream + dalgona coffee siap disajikan..?.
  4. NOTE : Penggunaan air es pada saat pengocokan dalgona coffee ini dapat membuat dalgona mengembang maksimal dan tidak mudah tenggelam ke dalam susu..
  5. Ini merk heavy cream yang saya pakai..

These light-as-air cream puffs are stuffed with vanilla whipped cream, boba pearls and Dalgona coffee fluff. Kali ini aku bikin Boba dalgona coffee, susu dengan kopi creamy ditambah buntelan chewy kenyal. People on social media are also experimenting with adding boba in their dalgona coffee. Tik Tok user @jadynjhh documented the process, which include the extra step of boiling your own tapioca. The result is a creamier, but more labor intensive, drink than a frappé.