Easiest Way to Prepare Delicious Dalgona Coffee topping Bobba

Dalgona Coffee topping Bobba. Take dalgona coffee to the next level and make Dalgona Coffee with Boba! This dalgona coffee recipe is a whipped coffee drink with layers of sweet tapioca pearls, icy cold milk, and dalgona coffee whip for the ultimate pick me up! Dalgona Coffee with Brown Sugar Boba.

Dalgona Coffee topping Bobba Whipped coffee is called dalgona coffee because it resembles dalgona which is a spongy candy (a little bit like honeycomb) that is popular in Korea. While the candy is not in this coffee, the topping looks similar! The ingredients in whipped coffee are equal portions of instant coffee, sugar, and hot water. You can have Dalgona Coffee topping Bobba using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Dalgona Coffee topping Bobba

  1. You need 5 sdt of Kopi Bubuk tanpa ampas (sy pake nescafe classic).
  2. It’s 3 sdt of gula pasir (boleh ditambah kalau yg suka manis).
  3. It’s 3 sdt of air panas.
  4. Prepare 200 ml of Susu UHT.
  5. Prepare sesuai selera of es batu.
  6. You need of Topping.
  7. Prepare 2 sdm of bobba (resep tersendiri).

Dalgona coffee (Korean: 달고나커피) is a beverage made by whipping equal proportions of instant coffee powder, sugar, and hot water until it becomes creamy and then adding it to cold or hot milk. Occasionally, it is topped with coffee powder, cocoa, crumbled biscuits, or honey. Because it's pretty easy to make, it has become a great way to. We've really been enjoying this new dalgona whipped coffee craze.

Dalgona Coffee topping Bobba step by step

  1. Campur kopi,gula dan air panas.aduk2 sampai kental, saya ngaduk pakai wisk, kurang lebih 15 menit ya (lumayan ngegym otot lengan gratis,hihihi).
  2. Siapkan gelas, isi dengan es batu, bobba dan susu.
  3. Tambahkan dalgona ke atas susu+bobba..
  4. Rasanya gak kalah sama yg dijual di kedai2 minuman bobba ituuhhh, hihihi…..
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We've had it over hot coffee and milk, as an iced coffee topping, and we've even put it on ice cream. We've just invented a brand new cocktail! And when you pass the recipe along to your friends brag a little that you found it here first. Dalgona coffee is a whipped coffee drink popularized by Korean You Tube and Tik Tok personalities. They felt it tasted similar to the Korean honeycomb toffee candy called dalgona, hence the name.