Easiest Way to Cook Perfect Honey Lemon & Ginger Tea

Honey Lemon & Ginger Tea. Honey Lemon was created by Steven T. Honey Lemon (Aiko Miyazaki) is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. She was created by Steven T.

Honey Lemon & Ginger Tea The honey lemon combination is especially wonderful in taking care of a throat infection. In combination with honey, lemon works like magic against infections. The benefits of lemon honey water are numerous but there are still a few side effects worth noting. You can have Honey Lemon & Ginger Tea using 3 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Honey Lemon & Ginger Tea

  1. It’s 2 buah of lemon / secukupnya.
  2. It’s 1 ruas telunjuk of jahe.
  3. Prepare 200 gr of madu / Secukupnya.

For example, too much lemon juice in a day could lead to tooth erosion, heartburn or an upset stomach. To avoid this, we always recommend diluting lemon juice in water. Honey lemon water has many health benefits due to its abundance of vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants. Raw, unprocessed honey has antimicrobial properties and has been used for centuries to treat many health conditions.

Honey Lemon & Ginger Tea instructions

  1. Siapkan toples kaca / plastik yang kedap udara, iris tipis2 lemon, pisahkan dan buang biji2 nya, lalu iris jahe kecil2, sisihkan dulu.
  2. Masukkan beberapa buah lemon kedalam toples, ambil sejumput jahe, lalu taburkan jahe diatas permukaan lemon, tuang 1 sdm madu.
  3. Lakukan terus seperti itu, lemon, jahe kemudian siram dengan madu dan seterusnya hingga habis, pastikan lemon dan jahe terendam baik dengan madu, lalu tutup, simpan dalam kulkas selama 48 jam, baru bisa dinikmati.
  4. Penyajian : masukkan beberapa iris lemon kedalam gelas, lalu masukkan air lemon madu beberapa sendok kedalam gelas yang berisi lemon, masukkan es batu secukupnya lalu siram dengan air teh atau air minum.., segeeer banget?.
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Lemons and lemon juice have high levels of vitamins and antioxidants that can help to strengthen your immune system. When you preserve lemons or the similar Japanese yuzu citron in honey, you get to enjoy the sweet and tangy flavor. Try this classic Japanese tsukemono, or pickled product, mixed together with hot water for a warming beverage or use the lemon pieces in a hot tea or mixed together with a vinegared dish for a subtle sweetness. In small bowl, combine flour and powdered sugar; mix well. Cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.