Resep Minuman Boba Brown Sugar Milky

Resep Minuman Boba Brown Sugar Milky
Boba Brown Sugar Milky. Boba, or bubble tea, is a popular tea-based drink in Taiwan that includes chewy, tapioca pearls (referred to as boba), with a variety of flavours and toppings you can choose from. One of my favourites – brown sugar boba milk – actually doesn’t include tea. Brown sugar boba milk simply includes boba, brown sugar syrup, and milk. Boba Brown Sugar Milky Instead, it contains tapioca pearls infused with special brown sugar, fresh milk, and fresh cream. Once brown sugar is melted, add the drained pearls and stir. Keep on stirring until it’s combined. You can have Boba Brown Sugar Milky using 14 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Boba Brown Sugar Milky

  1. Prepare of Bahan Adonan Boba.
  2. It’s 30 gr of Agar nutrijel coklat.
  3. It’s 10 sdm of tepung tapioka.
  4. Prepare 120 ml of air panas (kondisional ya).
  5. Prepare of Bahan Brown Sugar.
  6. Prepare 4 buah of gula merah.
  7. You need 50-100 ml of air.
  8. Prepare 1 sdm of gula pasir.
  9. Prepare of Bahan Pelengkap.
  10. It’s 400 ml of susu cair putih.
  11. Prepare of Es batu.
  12. Prepare 1 bks of chocolatos stik (kemasan 8,5 gr).
  13. You need 1 bks of chocolatos bubuk.
  14. It’s 1 bks of wafer tango (kemasan 7 gr).
You may add water ½ cup at a time if it’s too thick or if there’s sugar that has hardened. Just continue stirring and it will melt. To make the Brown Sugar Boba Milk: Put about ¼ cup off brown sugar pearl in a tall glass. Brown Sugar Boba Milk Tea Recipe or Tiger Sugar Milk Tea – This recipe is about the newest variation of milk tea that’s been the talk of the town – Brown Sugar Tapioca Pearl Milk.
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Boba Brown Sugar Milky step by step

  1. Siapkan wadah, lalu masukkan 10 sdm tepung tapioka, bubuk nutrijel coklat, dan 120 ml air panas. Kemudian aduk² dan diuleni hingga merata..
  2. Kemudian setelah diuleni bentuk menjadi bulat kecil². Siapkan wadah yang dibaluri dengan tepung supaya tidak menempel satu sama lain..
  3. Siapkan panci yang berisi air dan dididihkan, setelah mendidih masukkan boba yang sudah di bentuk bulat2 kecil, dimasak dengan api sedang sambil diaduk² biar tidak lengket..
  4. Setelah boba nya mengambang dipermukaan, matikan kompor dan tiriskan bobanya..
  5. Kemudian, untuk membuat boba brown sugar. Kita potong tipis² dulu 4 gula merahnya. Setelah dipotong, siapkan teflon/panci..
  6. Masukkan air 50-100 ml, gula merah, dan 1 sdm gula pasir, aduk² hingga merata. Tunggu hingga mendidih terlebih dulu..
  7. Setelah mendidih, masukkan boba yang sudah ditiriskan tadi kedalam larutan brown sugarnya, tunggu hingga mengental. Jika sudah mengentap Angkat dr teflon dan tiriskan ke piring..
  8. Boba siap di sajikan :).
  9. Masukkan boba yg sudah jadi ke dalam gelas, masukkan es batu dan susu cair secukupnya. Dan selanjutnya bisa ditambahkan toping seperti, chocolatos bubuk, chocolatos stik, dan wafer tango 🙂 selamat mencoba :).
This recipe was adapted from Taiwan’s famous Milk Tea company, Xing Fu Tang. I made the wildly popular brown sugar boba milk from scratch! You guys asked for it, so here it is, my homemade brown sugar boba and brown sugar boba milk re. 青蛙撞奶, which supposedly translates to frog hitting milk, is simply fresh milk with hot, uber-sweet brown sugar boba that looks like frog eggs. The boba syrup concoction is seriously half the drink, the milk the other half. Brown Sugar Milk Tea (Boba) is a creamy iced tea sweetened with dark brown sugar, giving it a complex flavor with a caramel note.
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